

Sponsor of Arte documentary series
L’Armée des romantiques

Entirely told in traditional 2D animation, this series recounts the story of literary and artistic Paris between 1824 and 1870. The protagonists Hugo, Berlioz, Chopin, Delacroix, Courbet, Baudelaire, Balzac or Dumas... Young intrepid artists, eager to awaken society and break the rules using all means at their disposal, whether it’s paintbrushes, pens or guns. Their crossed destinies are incredibly romantic and their fights terribly relevant.

→  Silex Films:

Sponsor of RAM’s annual conferences
(Responsible Art Market), Geneva

→  RAM:

Sponsor of two exhibitions
at Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Le Douanier Rousseau
Archaic candour

→  Musée d’Orsay:

Frédéric Bazille (1841-1870)
The Youth of Impressionism

→  Musée d’Orsay:

Sponsor of Arte documentary series
The Adventurers of Modern Art

Adapted from Dan Franck’s literary trilogy — Bohemian Paris, Libertad!, Midnight — The documentary series made up of six episodes plunges us into Parisian life in the beginning of the twentieth century, a center of artistic creativity that generated Fauvism, Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism.

Through illustrations, animation and original archives, the film will trace the highs and lows, scandals and celebrations, tragedies and the triumphs that shaped the phenomenal period of Modern Art from the basement of the “Bateau-lavoir” in 1900 to the last shudders of World War II.

The main characters are Picasso, Max Jacob, Stein, Apollinaire, Hemingway, Matisse, Cocteau, Kiki... artists, art dealers, and muses who came to France from all over Europe and left an indelible mark on the 20th century. These glorious subversives were adventurers before becoming heroes.

→  Arte shop:

To watch the incredible opening credits by Lorenzo Papace and Vincent Pianina:

→  Vimeo: